As we continue to grow and expand as a community and University, the student body has created their own traditions and developed an united identity as Niner Nation. We invite you to explore these traditions, and check back as our Niner Pride grows and more traditions emerge on campus!
- Put a Penny in Norm's Pan
- Rub the Golden Nugget
- Participate in the 49er Ring Ceremony
- Don't Step on the Seal
- Experience the Star Quad Echo
- Attend Gold Rush Events
- Wear Green Wednesday
- Stroll through the Botanical Gardens
- Run through the CHHS Rings
- Take a Selfie with the Self-Made Man Statue
- The 49er Nickname
- Alma Mater
- Fight Song
- Norm
- Bonnie Cone
- UNC Charlotte Bell
- Green & White
- Rivalries
- Niner Nation Week
- Picks Up